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Are You at Risk of Bagpipe Lung?

The following page contains important information on prevention and symptoms of Bagpipe Lung.


Pictured. A donor skin bag that will be used for dissection.

What is Bagpipe Lung?

Bagpipe Lung is damage to the lungs caused by fungus and mould that can develop in wind instruments, most recently bagpipes.
A common misconception is that the fungus and other pathogens are fatal, it is actually the allergic reaction or hypersensitivity pneumonitis the immune system can have that causes the irreversible damage to the lungs.



Pictured. The first cut made into the bag reveals a build up of old seasoning.

What Causes Bagpipe Lung?

Bagpipe Lung is caused by inhaling mould and fungus spores which are often found as a result of build up of yeast, and other toxic pathogens, along with the warm and moist breath of the player.
Combined with the aforementioned, a skin bag provides the perfect breeding ground for fungus if it is allowed to breed.


16466405_10158137805860510_1820554222_oPictured Above and Below. Inside the chanter stock and main body of the bag.

What are the Signs of Bagpipe Lung?

If you experience any long term coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath seek medical consultation immediately.
Other signs that you may be at risk include mould or foreign colouring in your bag and similar symptoms on or around your bagpipes.
If in doubt seek consultation.


Pictured Above. Build up from many years of seasoning and playing.

How can I Prevent Bagpipe Lung?

Mould and bacteria can be prevented by regularly cleaning your instrument, along with exercising common sense regarding the life of your bag and moisture control apparatus ie. sponges and bottle traps.
A suitable blow valve such as the Ross Blowpipe Valve is also essential to not only assist the player but to prevent deadly spores from being forced back up into the lungs.
Switching to a synthetic bag, such as a Ross Breathable Bag or Ross Suede Bag will also significantly reduce the chances of Bagpipe Lung occurring. This is due to the fact that players can easily dry and clean their bag.

Pictured below. A freshly installed Ross Breathable Bag and Canister System
